Sunday 1 September 2019


Too many a time we concentrate on the failures more than the possibilities. So we fail to take the step of Faith, there is also this feeling of undermining the baby steps because you don't feel they can get you the big things you so desire. Do you know that small steps put together can yield great result and reward. Fear is as strong to deter you from doing what you ought, but not as strong as Faith that see's possibilities in those dream and vision bringing them to manifestation. The question is which would you rather go for? 
Those baby steps can birth more than you see if you look though the eyes of Faith. When you begin to see God in the picture more than self ability you will do mighty things than you have ever done. There are more reasons why you should(Faith), than the false believe of why you should not(fear).
Everything is possible to the heart that believes God more than self. Thank God for every phase as he takes you higher on the stair case. You can be more when you appreciate and take those baby steps but you can never know how much you can be if you don't try.
As you take those steps let the hope of what you desire with confidence in God ignite your spirit to keep pushing for more. One of the beauty of having a child is that you watch them grow from a baby into an adult. Every process involves growth, but you wouldnt know the beauty at the end if you stop half way or dont take a step at all. Don't despise the baby steps neither be afraid to walk in them, and when walking in them don't get so comfortable with the little push for more for it is a growth process into giant strides.


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