Sunday 4 December 2016


NUGGET: Isaiah 35:2; it will burst into bloom, and rejoice with gladness and shouts of joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon. They will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God.thank you Jesus!
I decree by the authority of Calvary that the wall of division and stronghold in that household is broken forever.I speak the name Jesus to silence evil advisers around your destiny helpers.miracle that defy doctors report and the report of men shall happen suddenly now in your life.whatever good thing that people said won't happen in your life the God I serve shall take them by surprise and wrath his goodness in you. I decree the recognition power of God to manifest in your life.The Lord will raise great people for you that will bring about your advancement in life.In every area you have sought the Lord with the desires and troubles in your heart,the Lord shall arise and be peace around you. The Lord shall fill you with the spirit of humility and draw you close to him in Jesus name,amen!

TODAY'S TIP: Don't get too familiar with God that you become a spectator instead of being expectant. Always remember that there is no end to God's mysterious diversity!


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