Thursday 1 December 2016


NUGGET: Mathew 8:17;This fulfilled the word of the Lord through the prophet Isaiah, who said, “He took our sicknesses and removed our diseases.”Thank you Jesus!
I decree any affliction or arrow that wants to make you loose your stand in Christ is destroyed by fire.The power of God incapacitate evil decree and mischievous imagination against you .I decree that your tongue is anointed for heavenly utterance. Your years shall not be spent in vain for the Lord shall bless you with increase and productivity.Disease and sickness unto death is flushed out of that body system by the blood of Jesus.I cancel the yoke of evil carryover by the power of God.The Lord shall cause nations to submit to God's power of greatness upon you. I decree that you shall be good health to enjoy the fruits of restoration and answer to prayers. I cancel every hindrances to your instant breakthrough. this year shall end in praise for you and your household in Jesus name,amen!

TODAY'S TIP: When you allow God's reign in you life the enemy has no option but to tremble before you.The faith talk doesn't say I can do it by myself ,it says I can do it by his grace.speak faith,speak life!


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