Friday 6 April 2018


Prayer doesn't have a particular time, nor does it need a sacrifice to be carried out. It is simply a communication of a child to the Father. God is there with you and also here with me, everyday and everytime. You don't need airtime, transportation or visa to reach our father in heaven . With faith believing you can connect to God, in meditation,through songs of praise to him in any place at any time.
Put in mind, that God is your father, you don't have anything to hide from him, he sees, he hears, he knows and all you need to does call on him and he will answer you.
The father wants a relationship with us his children and that access is through constant communication with the father, not just asking for things, but in longing after God in sincerity of heart. Prayer is not in the level of our voices, but in the sincerity of our heart in obedience to God, it is not in the way we are seen as holy, nor in self  righteousness but in the burning and true hunger for God.
God is looking for that generation that will seek him in spirit and truth. Prayer is not a physical combat but a spiritual exercise, that quenches the desire for the flesh and burns up the hunger and stir in the spirit. Do you still think prayer needs a big sacrifice or see God as too far that you can not reach, it's time to change that mindset. The psalmist said I will meditate of thee upon my bed.
God wants your heart, because your heart is what bears the fruit of all you do. At every time, hour, and all season communicate with the father. Let God recognize your voice. Keep the the fire and the zeal burning, that way you are shutting the door to self and fleshly desire. God is not tired of hearing you, don't be weary in staying in his presence.God is interested in your heart than your sacrifice. Don't put a bridge of distance between you and God. He is your father, Call him now, call him always.


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