Monday 16 April 2018


When something is dismantled,it means it's in disarray. A person who has been battered with all the issues of life,trying to fit in the world system, seeking the world's approval, has lost his/her identity. Struggling with coming to the knowledge of who they are and it's been a struggle here and there. But that moment when you find Jesus , there is a drastic alignment and your identity is revealed in purpose. The moment you are unable to understand your place as the royalty of the heavenly kingdom, your identity becomes shattered. The place of knowing God is where your identity is revealed.
The devil is looking for those who lack the sense of who they are and begins to toil with them. The devil is trying to toil with your mind, intimidating you with all kind of issues but knowing your identity is beyond being able to talk about your name/biography, it is in knowing and come to the full Christ. Now the first path to finding yourself is knowing God. Once this is missed every other thing has a loop hole. Your identity is found, reckoned  maintained in Christ. Identity is beyond the physical arrays or achievement but who you are, what you are known for and the impact you have made. People should be able to identify with who you are. Your identity is beyond what you do but who you are in Christ.


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