Friday 4 May 2018


Your present state doesn't make you a lesser version of God's original creation. It is important you know that as you go through life, that you do not let the circumstances belittle you or bring you down. You are shaped, into a better you everyday at each phase,don't allow the situation shade you. People may talk you down and out, it may seem like you've tried so hard to fit in. But the truth is ,you don't need those validation and don't let those words get to you because none of it determine your future view.
You are a survival by the grace of God and with God you will be marvellously helped. You are not a trash but a treasure in disguise. You are pregnant of a tomorrow that beats painful odds. Don't be enslaved by the present, don't be a prisoner of your past, your future is what makes you. So no matter where you are right now, or what you are facing never loose guard . Don't forget your identity, it is beyond your family name or present state. Your identity is Christ. You are not made of average, greatness is a kingdom language, in which God desires you to manifest. Don't feel less by your situation. You are where you are to be an inspiration to someone in the nearest future. Arise from the pain, depression and rejection and begin to live the essence of who you are and what you carry. You are worth more!


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