Monday 23 October 2017


Trust means to be dependent on,so when you say I trust that is saying I depend on you. With man it probably will be okay when you say don't put your egg in one basket. But with God your trust has to be 100%. You can't be 50% kneeling before God and 50% bowing before men. Whose promise would you rather hold to, God who is whole all by himself or man who is also dependant on God. When you go to him ,zero your trust on any other thing. If he created you and the world(that is still a mystery to you) what can't he do. When you go before the father never let your heart wander in trust conflict. To experience the unusual of God there must be a total trust in Him. Trust in Him(God) at all times. With God be sure that putting all your trust in Him will pay over time. Woe to the man whose trust is in any thing other than God. God will not share His glory, he is more than able concerning anything and when he does it all glory goes to him. Your trust in God must be complete else it will be a trust conflict without result .


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