Saturday 10 July 2021


I declare that every good prophecy spoken concerning me comes to pass
I am exapanding by Grace 
My territory is not small , God has given me the land for my possession 
Wherever I lay my foot on I posses for good 

The light of God is shining in my spirit 
I am not weary, my strength is renewed from day to day 
I am in the possibility of God and not in the limitations of men
My mind is not limited to what I see
My faith see’s  beyond limit 

I am abounding in grace and limitless abundance 
I draw water from the well of salvation 
I am enriched with every good thing that my Heavenly Father has given 
My heavens are opened continually 
I am filled with the fruit of the spirit 
I reject spiritual famine 
God has given me what I need for life and godliness 
In Jesus name I have declared , Amen 
Good day FAM🤍

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