Sunday 11 July 2021


I declare that I breath in the HolyGhost 
I radiate joy unspeakable 
I live by the power of God 
I see God in all I do 
I am moving from better to best 

I am a shining light 
I am a rising star
I have put my trust in God I will never be ashamed
I have new song in my mouth always 
The testimony of yea and amen is manifesting in me

I declare that I am seed royal and a peculiar nation
The  beauty of  Christ is unveiled in me
Every chapter of my story is a revelation of God’s will for me 
The unfailing word of God has become the function of my reality 
Every thing I do is producing great result and yielding good harvest 
In Jesus name I have declared, Amen 
Good morning FAM🤍

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