Thursday 29 July 2021


I declare that I receive testimony birthing ideas 
I operate in the grace of dream actualization
I am laying a great foundation for a profitable future 
I am a ceaseless wonder in my generation 

I declare that my years are restored with abundant life 
I am taking back my fruitful years 
I receive ripples of miracles and testimonies 
I am alive in Christ and his power is at work in me

I declare that I am the reaping the goodness of God 
His blessings and promises are forever settled in my life 
Yokes and burden are broken off my shoulder 
I am anointed against limit 

My eventual fervent door is open
I have access to all I need through Christ 
Jesus is my way , I will never be lost 
I am loaded with testimonies of surplus 
Nothing will swallow my possibilities 
Everything attach to me wins
In Jesus name I have declared, Amen 
Good morning FAM🤍

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