Thursday 22 July 2021


I declare that I shine against all odds
The perfection of God’s beautiful has shined on me 
I am peculiar people and a nation chosen by God 
I’m a city upon a hill and kings flow to my brightness 

God’s mercies overrule my mistake 
I am positioned in the possibility of God 
I am walking in the word of God’s light 
I am not lost , God’s light leads me 
Still waters flow on my path 

I declare that  I am filled with the oil of gladness 
I am overflowing in joy 
The glory of God is seen in me from day to day 
I move from of negative story to an experience of glory to glory 
I move by the spirit , negating the works of the flesh
In Jesus name I have declared, Amen 
Good morning FAM🤍

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