Tuesday 12 June 2018


The best assurance you can get is the unwavering believe in God and his word. There is nothing that defines a situation more than going back to God and his word to you about the season of your life you are in. Do you feel down, broken or withdrawn- rest not in the promises of men but in the unfailing promises of God, given unto you through his unconditional love and mercy.
Cease to believe anything or anyone that calls you written off. You are made not by the mere works/word of men but the supernatural ability of God. So rest!  Knowing that this things may come, this season will happen, but there is a greater joy that awaits you. It is not a time to say to yourself "I pity me or sorry" . Rest!  That the promise of hope is God and doesn't waver though it may tarry. There are those times when you feel alone in this walk but remember that you are more than a thousand fall because through all these things you stand tall cos you got God. It could have been worse but God is the see through in your going through so you can pull through.
You are an asset not a liability, a treasure seed in it's raw form. The raw form may not seem pleasant nor smooth but will blossom with it's fruit. Rest! God's word is not ye or nay  but ye and amen. His promises stand unshaken rest in this hope !


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