Sunday 23 October 2016


NUGGET: 1SAMUEL 16:7b; For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”thank you Jesus!
The Lord shall send his word of transformation to you today .I decree the power of dominion upon you to trample all evil works and nothing shall by any means hurt you.The Lord shall silence the enemy by the truth of His word.I decree that your mouth is ordained to speak strength and life. I pray that truth shall spring forth in your heart.The Lord shall give you a strong hand over your oppressor.I pray that your heart shall not incline to evil,neither to practice evil with them that turn aside but shall be stayed on God. Your ears shall not be closed to the leading of the spirit. By the power of God the spirit of complain cease from your life. You shall not accept the devils condition for help. The Lord shall make the might of every stronghold small as nothing before you in Jesus name, amen!

TODAY'S TIP: He who wishes to secure the good of others has already his own.Love he your neighbor as yourself because the good you so for others will eventually become a blessing to you!


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