Tuesday 25 October 2016


NUGGET:  Psalms 16:8 I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.Thank you Jesus!
I decree that the words of evil spoken against you is reversed to the sender. Every evi l defilement is wiped out by the blood of Jesus.The Lord shall raise you as a helper in your time and for your generation. The Lord shall use the foolish things of this world to discomfit your enemies. Today I speak the name of Jesus over every word utters to turn your helpers against you and it's effect shall not stand. Anyone set as a trap for you shall not see you.Receive divine wisdom against  evil tactics and odds.The Lord shall scatter the evil mischief of the enemy. The wickedness if the enemy against you shall be avenged by the Lord. Your pasture shall not be dry but it shall flourish. You shall step into places for wonders and testimony .The earth and it's element shall speak in your favour in Jesus name,amen!

TODAY'S TIP: If you go to work for your goals ,your goals will go to work for you.if you go to work for your plan ,you plan will go to work for you.whatever good things we do end up building us.lay the right foundation and it wouldn't be just you reaping the fruit but generation after you!


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