Saturday 10 September 2016


It is true that the Bible encourages us to give(Matthew 5:42) and there is blessing attached to giving (Luke 6:38) but it is also good to know that God is very interested in your motive. In Luke 6:36 says; that we should be merciful even as our father in heaven is merciful that should be your first motive of giving,a compassionate heart.
Why do you give? why do you prefer to give in a particular place? What's your reason for giving? Do you give to get the praises of men? Do you only give to those who can repay you?.I tell you God is very much interested in your heart of giving, even as your act of giving.The Bible says whatever we do we should do as unto God and not men. Does your heart of giving glorify God?.In 1corinthians 13:3 ,we can see the difference between the heart of giving and the act of giving.It is possible for you to act without having the heart of giving because of the wrong motive. Your motive behind the giving determines if the seed will yield fruit or not.Stop making that seed sown a topic of discussion because by doing that it shows that mans reward is of more importance to you than God's reward.
Have you been giving with the wrong motive I urge you to have a change of heart is more blessed to give than to receive.That's when you give with a sincere heart.whenever you want to give your prayer should be ; Lord please let this be acceptable in thy sight,I can imagine someone asking but I guess this prayer should only be done when giving in the church, so do I need to say this prayer when giving outside the church? yes! you do,According to "Matthew 25:34-40 " my emphasis is in verse 40 " and the king will answer them,truly, I say to you as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did to me. This passage tells us that irrespective of where we give and who we give to,our giving is unto God. So either in the church or at home, give with the heart of giving to the Lord.your motive is what God is interested in.The widow as seen in luke 21:4 didn't have much but still she gave without grudge,her motives were right and Jesus could see through her heart,she didn't wait until she had everything she gave her widows mite.Giving either in the church or to the least of your brethren doesn't depend on how much you have but the right motive.water your seeds(Tithes,offering,gifts,giving an helping hand...) with the right motive!

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