Thursday 15 September 2016


His death on the cross is compared to none,selfless and sacrificial.
O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good for His mercies endureth forever (psalm 36:1).Him alone deserves our thanks because He has done what no man can do for us.The heavens are the Wonders of His hands.even the earth and it's fullness are the Lord's(psalm 24) .The earth has he given to the children of men,what a loving father.
To God be the glory for he made the great lights, the sun,moon and the stars O! How great is His wonders. He is the God who protects and preserves.He lead the children of Israel through the wilderness and he has been our guide till date.what a mighty God we serve.Our God is a mighty warrior and he never fails, even in our lives he has proven Himself strong, ever faithful and true. He smote the first born of Egypt as a recompense for the wickedness of the oppressors. He again overthrow Pharaoh and his host in the rest sea, he is the God of vengeance and he avenges us of our adversaries. God cares he is touched with your compassionate beyond words. He us the lion and the lamb.He is touched with the feeling of our infirmities.He is our redeemer.who is as great as Jehovah.He giveth food to all flesh.His greatness is beyond measures. Let us bow before the Lord our maker. Worship and sing songs in praise of your heart and your mouth and shabach to him.Each day is an opportunity and a privilege to praise Yahweh. O give thanks unto the God of heaven for His mercy and steadfast love endures forever!
Praise through it all,there is more praise on the inside than you can ever imagine .


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