Sunday 12 November 2017


When you are dressed in royalty, you speak, act, relate and do things a different way that complements and more value to how you look. You wouldn't want to be stained nor want a dent. The dressing is just a physical side of royalty but the royalty nature is who you are. Because there are qualities that comes with royalty, it is beyond just the dressing it but being it.
The Bible says we are a royal priesthood means you have a spiritual dressing of royalty that makes you like Christ. And it comes from inside out, a reflection of from your inside. You will realize that not everyone dressed in royalty lives or behaves like it. But you are called royal by God, to live holy unto Him. How are you exhibiting that lifestyle. Does your life exemplify it. Is Christianity just a dress code for you. Your royal apparel is the spiritual dressing of Christlike qualities. It is revealing Jesus in you, affirmed by God's word. It doesn't permit stain(anything that doesn't glorify God). You're a royal priesthood, live it!


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