Wednesday 6 September 2017


Often times there are things you bring into your life that aren't necessary for your destiny. You have to know how to separate what is needful in your life and destiny worthy to have from the things that are of no essence nor are they in alignment with the life God wants for you.
Can't you see that the unnecessary things that you are dragging along with your life are not helpful, it keeps pulling you down because deep down you know they are not adding to you but taking so much from you than any self satisfaction you can ever think to get. It could be in behaviour, the things you posses, the things you chase after and get by the odd means or because someone is doing it. It is time to let go of all that is weakening the strength of your stand. The truth is; what someone else is doing that is working for them might not be the same thing God has designed for your own destiny path. Every destiny have it's peculiarity, it has it necessities and every necessity is placed on a ladder of priority. You can't know the best for you like the one that created you, so you have to seek God to open your eyes to the peculiarity of your life/destiny.
You have discover things that are needful in your life and destiny fulfillment and align yourself to it.  Don't get carried away with what everyone is doing but be concerned with what is peculiarly ordained by God for your life. Refuse to keep carrying along the unnecessary attaches that are polluting your content. Always ask yourself will this thing in anyway help my life or help me get to my destination  ? Don't conform to the things that disrupt your journey. It is time to place priority on what is needful by knowing and understanding God's peculiar plan for you and cutting off the unnecessary. Now is not too late!


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