Thursday 28 September 2017


What makes you an identity to identify with is that which distinguishes you from the crowd. Your identity is beyond your name but everything that you're made up of as a person. Your identity as a person should never be confused nor compared with another. When people are not sure of who you are and how to place your personality, it shows a fault in your identity. Don't get people confused with unstable personality and lack of credibility. You should have a focus headed towards a direction. Beyond just having an identity let a true and credible personality be built.
When your name is mentioned the reactions people give has a lot to say about the impression your identity has created. Your identity can determine the kind of people you attract. A faulty identity is majorly due to a faulty foundation. Is your foundation laid in sin or established in righteousness ? Do you focus on earthly praise more than heavenly reward ?
What is an identity without anyone to identify with it. Let your foundation be established in the one that is true and sure,Jesus. Carry the banner of an identity that leads people to Christ. If you are not living for the one who gave you life then what are you living for ? If Christ doesn't recognize you every other recognition amounts to nothing. Build your identity on a true and lasting foundation.


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