Monday 4 September 2017


HEBREW 12:9-10;  Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.

Whatever makes you fear man than you reverence God needs to be re-checked. You owe your life to God than to man. Your readiness and spiritual maturity can be determine by who God is in your life. The Bible says submit yourself under the mighty hands of God rebuke the devil and he will flee, the truth is there is no victory without submission to the spirit. To be in the right track of life do not despise the chastening of the spirit either speaking directly to you or through another to you. Who the father loved He chastens, the chastening of the spirit of God is profitable to you. Don't run from where God is chastising you to where you are being comfortable to sin. Don't ignore God's way to doing what you feel is seemingly right with you. To go far in life you have to open yourself to God. The earlier you begin to realize that God's chastening us live the better you walk with Him will be. Perhaps you did something against the will of God yesterday and a preacher who doesn't even know about what you did begins to correct such act in His message by the leading of the spirit don't run or hide, God loves you that is why He brought that word through the preacher. The process isn't always easy but the end is profitable. Subject yourself to the spirit of God.
O Lord I choose to obey you even when it doesn't satisfy my flesh. Lord I release myself to you. I choose to walk in holiness by the help of God. Father I place you highest reverence above the fear of man. Lord I desire a sonship relationship with you. O Lord break every stony heart and remove every veil detaching me from your presence. I say yes to you Lord in Jesus name, amen!



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