Thursday 15 March 2018


Every phase of your life is a bridge to cross to your next level, and there is always a place of decision making which is an important sect of your life. The place where you have to choose the path you desire in the life you want to live. It could be wrong,it could be right but it is better and sure if it is of God and in Christ.
You don't have to drag on for so long. 'Now' is a decision you have to make,think of the path you want to forge towards. Don't leave no decision to chance,peddle the boat as Jesus the captain leads you through. Slipping off the cliff is not an option when you can be firmly rooted on the mountain top. Every life lived is decided on. Which is yours, and what path will it be for you. How certain are you about the end result. Are you depending on your strength to make it work, because that will keep you below God's standard for you. Let your decision be grace based,beyond your strength but totally dependant on God to make it work.  See it from God's view and launch into the deep of his will for you. Without fear let God be your surety as you cross over every bridge triumphantly.


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