Friday 20 January 2017


Everyone deserves a second chance that's why it's never too late to take that right turn.Never let your past weigh you down that you forget to see the light shining's important to know when to open the door of your heart to a new beginning.Don't get so lost in yesterday that you forget to give today a great deserve a good life, you deserve happiness,you deserve to be free of those burdens and heart aches, but first you have to tell yourself it's time to start over and this begins with knowing your self worth.Never let what you've been through intimidate you from becoming what you are destined to be rather use it as a tool to become a better person. The way you handle every phase of your life determines it's negative or positive turn out. Don't waste your purpose because you fear to take that bold step .If you keep wallowing in the things that went wrong you won't be able to focus on the things that you can make work out for you. Those things happen to you,yes they did,it hurts yes i know but don't you think it's time for you to make things happen too.No matter how many times you've been rejected ,just at that point you about to give up that one acceptance that will change your story for ever starts to know at your door,the question is are you ready to open up for a new dawn.A fresh start has a way of opening you up for new opportunities. A fresh start has a way of shaping your mind positively. A fresh start doesn't mean that you stop being yourself, it simply means a decision you make to be better,to cut off those things that sour your happiness, to move away from those things that are trying to kill your dream,to say to yourself yes i can and act on it,to let go of those habit or behaviour that soil your identity, to discover purpose and pursue it.why don't you give yourself that chance to make things happen for you(positive) instead of allowing things to keep happening to you(negative). What is that area of your life that needs a fresh start, it's not to late to make that decision. Believe me ,the word impossible is just fear that's in the mind.with God all things are possible and his grace is sufficient for you.Take that bold step today and i see things working for your good !


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