Thursday 4 January 2018


Don't accept whatever you see as fate, when you have been called to live by faith. Your life can't be lived by just anything, get dissatisfied with whatever negates God's word for you or outside the purpose of God for your life. Discontinue whatever infuse negative vibes and thoughts to your mind. Be contented ,but contend that negativity that tries to sit on your destiny. Make friends,but don't familiarize yourself with the wrong influence that drains your mind of productivity. Apply what you know, but don't get comfortable with the success of the knowledge applied, seek for more. Talking about the dreams doesn't replace praying,having faith and working towards it. They say life isn't a bed of roses, but you can be the rose that people beg to provide a bed for you on a platter of gold. 

How much essence can your life be told without Christ. It seems fun to go all out without a blink about the fear of God in your heart but it's all crazy in the end. Have you thought of who stays with you through the bend, it is God! With his word that comforts you. Stay with Him while he sets your life on the incline. It couldn't be you facing the world without his grace else you fail. Trust God, for still he remains without change nor fail. He's got the best plan for a better you.


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