Wednesday 26 July 2017


There is a reason why God brings you into every season of your life, be conscious and alert so you don't miss the divine assignment and lessons. Even at those times when it seems like you are going through your worst, God can still use you as an instrument of blessing to someone/others. Stop looking down on yourself, your path is mapped for greatness.
The reason why you are in a particular season is beyond the natural imagination except it is made known to you by the father. One thing God can never do is make a mistake especially if you are walking in His light. Don't focus on the situation rather know the reason why he has brought you this path. If you are truly a child of God you have to understand that your path is divinely mapped .
You are designed by your creator to overcome. When you know the reason you flow in the season of God's plan for you. Do not let your heart be troubled by what the season brings to you rather focus the direction of purpose of how God is taking you through the paths in the direction of purpose. It only gets better with Him. Your destiny is ahead and not behind. You are divinely mapped for fulfillment!


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