Monday 3 July 2017


As much as you would love to live a transparent life there is a place of differentiating your private life from public affair. Your life should be an example and not a public book, where any person can pick up and read, dictate things for you or guess your next step. You need a proper planning in your secret place to be a better you. Mind the advice you take heed to because accepting just any advice that is not in line with your purpose will not help you reach your destination. Follow godly counsel, learn from those who have done successfully well in your desired field ,most of all seek God first.
Have a unique life that makes people want to know more about you. The world is more concerned about your success than the process. So keep working on being a better you and let the outcome be beyond expectations and also inspire others. Your life is amazing when you are able to differentiate your personal life from public affairs and show off. Let God be your director and not the world your dictator. You can't take the world by surprise if you keep acting on the usual process. Live your life in the pace of fulfilling your unique destiny and purpose.
You have to know where you belong, to whom you belong so as to manifest your unique identity and purpose. You can't take the world by surprise by being like it, have a different touch. Be a better you without having to apologise for it. You were created for something bigger than your natural ability so you have to depend on your Creator(GOD) for His divine ability to do exploit. Take charge and stay ahead by puting God first and making Him your lead. Know who you are!


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